A collage which fuses different aspects of the site to bring out its character.
A sketch collaging elements of nostalgia that exists at the current site.
A collage which fuses different aspects of the site to bring out its character.
A research study into the guiding framework of Genius Loci by Christian Noberg-Schulz as well as the chosen site. This study assists the exploration into the next two projects, Reminiscence and A Cultural Mosaic. The subsequent projects also aims to explore answers to, “How can we as interior designers propose an intervention that acknowledges the history of identity making in a place to develop a sense of familiarity to the users?”
“A place is therefore a qualitative, “total” phenomenon, which we cannot reduce to any of its properties, such as spatial relationships, without losing its concrete nature out of sight.”
-Christian Noberg Schulz
Spirit of the place is derived from the definition of genius loci in Roman mythology. As discussed by Christian Norberg-Schulz in Genius Loci: Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture, the genius loci can refer to the character of a place defined through the analysis of the environment, cultural context, spatial structure and the society which revolves around it.
Sites were proposed for their sense of a strong spirit of the
place and for undergoing minimal changes over the recent
years. However, the final site for further research was narrowed down to Geylang, particularly the Geylang Serai area. It resonates with my theme of nostalgia and it is a special place for me and the Malay community.
Geylang Serai
Little India
Labrador Park
Bukit Chandu
Haw Par Villa
Golden Mile Complex
Spatial Structure
Cultural Context
A memorable site for me as a Malay, the change over the years on site creates a sense of longing for me to bring back the past through my designs. It is also a place that I feel a sense of belonging to because of its sentimental values. These changes sparks questions like, “Why has things changed so much?” and “Can certain elements or value remain existing through time?” The collage represents snippets of Geylang Serai and how I perceive its Genius Loci through the research.